Saturday, December 15, 2007

Form-Space-Light. . .and the Duomo

Form-Space-Light Gallery
619 N. 35th Street, Ste 100 (alley between 34th and 35th)
Seattle, WA

Opening and Holiday Party
Saturday, December 22, 6-10pm
I'll be there!

Original model of Brunelleschi's unsupported dome at the Museo dell'Opera, Florence

I just spent an hour or so at Form-Space-Light Gallery in Fremont with owner, John Parkinson, and sculptor and writer, Joseph Keppler.

Joe is a terrific metal artist in the vein of Calder, each piece an inventive and beautifully executed idea. The gallery is a warm and inviting space, and the work on display is well curated and affordable, too. Check it out if you're in the neighborhood - the parties are fun and there's one this Saturday, I'll be strolling down the hill to meet the artists and drink a glass of wine.

Well, we got to talking about the Duomo in Florence and the fascinating story of how it was built. I mentioned I had taken some pictures and promised to post them, so here you go, John!

I saw the Duomo daily during my time in Florence - it's like a magnet at the center of town, you can't stray far before it pulls you back - and my memories of the striped stone exterior and massive presence of the church are still vivid. A couple of these shots are from the museum, which has an engrossing display of the tools and machines and special scaffolding used to build the dome, the likes of which had never been constructed before. The logistics required considerable ingenuity, and the story of how it eventually got built is one of the page-turners in art history.

The tale is entertainingly told in Ross King's bestseller, "Brunelleschi's Dome: How a Renaissance Genius Reinvented Architecture" (Penguin Books, NY, 2000).

Thursday, December 13, 2007

New collage

Been working all day in the studio and it's late - a new collage, pretty much four by five feet and the biggest one I have attempted. It's for a group show at the Kirkland Arts Center in January, curated by Kamla Kakaria. I don't make a habit of promising art that hasn't been created yet, but something made me do it, and it's good. It makes me figure things out on the large scale, something I've been heading toward for a while now. It's going to work, I can feel it.

The image is Georgetown - a gray day, naturally. I'll post a picture of the collage when it's done.

Monday, November 12, 2007

more Paris

A Michelangelo slave in the Louvre; Monday morning in the Rue Montorgeouil; and looking out the window of my apartment in the Rue de la Jusienne

Thursday, November 08, 2007

go see Chuck

Chuck Close exhibit at Greg Kucera
October 4-November 10

212 Third Ave S
Seattle WA 98104


His inventiveness is inspiring. His portraits are humane and compelling even as they dazzle technically. And it is something of an artistic miracle the way he builds form from squiggles of color...even to a painter.

Also showing, and worth the trip in his own right, is Drew Daly. Eloquently manipulated furniture and distorted photographs. And upstairs: prints by the quilters of Gee's Bend. A satisfying show all around.

"Lyle" by Chuck Close
(from the Greg Kucera website)

Saturday, November 03, 2007


The view from the top of the Centre first day in Paris, jetlagged and wired...I'll post more shots from my trip, bit by bit, as the mood strikes.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Pratt, fish, and a long bus ride

I got myself over on the bus to Salty's on Alki today for Pratt's celebration of volunteers, cheerleaders, contributors of all kinds - oh yes, and instructors of the year.

Breaking new ground at Pratt

Free drinks! People I know! And some new people - I had a great time talking to Gene Gentry Mc Mahon, artist and teacher, and walker. She has done some walking races and used to walk 75 miles a week to train. Inspiring...

Mimi Pierce, Jack Kleinart and others were recognized for their contributions to Pratt as an organization, along with six or seven of us teachers, in areas ranging from letterpress to blacksmithing. A quick intro, a handshake, a nice certificate, and back to my salmon, still warm...

It was truly gratifying to be recognized. And to look out into a room full of the generous and engaged people who contribute their time, money and energy to this organization. We teachers are so cloistered away in our classrooms, but suddenly I felt part of the Seattle art community.

Thanks to all of them and to Pratt for the appreciation, and for giving so many artists work, encouragement and opportunities.

Most of all, a big, warm thanks to my students who cared enough to vote - the gesture is deeply felt and goes a long way.

(And the fish, by the way, was very tender and tasty, with rapini and yummy spuds - nice job, Salty's!).

they shoot painters don't they

Photographer Vicki Grayland and I had a great time the other day shooting pictures at Pratt Fine Arts Center.

It was supposed to look like my studio, so I made a sort of collage on the walls of whatever I had to hand - old work I use in class, fabric, postcards, and squares of origami paper.

The painting was something I started on the spot, no time to think, just started cutting and sticking more of those squares and slapping down acrylic paint. And you know? I think this was good for me!

She was after a certain became a collaboration.

Too much fun...

Thursday, October 04, 2007

2-d Instructor of the Year/ SHOW OPENS TONIGHT

Julia Hensley, Red/Yellow 45th, Oil on Panel, 2006

PRATT Fine Arts Gallery
Toshiro Kaplan Building
3rd & Washington Streets

Thursday, October 4th
Show runs through the end of the month
Gallery hours are Fri-Sat 12-5
Party following at my studio
619 Western
Studio 6N, Sixth Floor

I have been voted Teacher of the Year in the 2D studio at Pratt Fine Arts Center.

This means a terrific trophy replete with hotglue gunned embellishments (I'll get a photo of that but in the meantime, let your imagination run wild), the gift of $300 toward classes at Pratt (letterpress!), an award ceremony by the city at a Salty's on Alki, and a much-welcom sense of appreciation for seven years of teaching my heart out.

HUGE THANKS to all my students who voted - your work, excitement, and support is much appreciated.

There are six of my paintings in the accompanying show, along with work by my fellow-awardees in the 3-d departments. Stop by, it would be grand to see you! Or visit later, it'll be up for a month.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

619 Western

I have a new studio!

Six floors of art studios in an old brick with wood beams in Pioneer Square. It used to be a photo studio, so has a radiused back wall. I am not sure yet how I'm going to use that, I just know that it inspires me. . .could there be installations in my future?

First Thursday, tonight, October 4th - If you're in the hood, stop in and see me and get a dose of the atmosphere and art - this building is happening.

Studio 6N on the 6th floor at 619 Western, corner of Western and Yesler.
Come on up.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Opening night

One of my favorite moments during the opening of my show last Thursday was when I caught the eye of an eight year old girl who shyly told me that, at first, she didn't see anything but shapes in my pictures. Then suddenly, she saw "a phone pole" and "a building, and a car"!

After a solid year alone in the studio, the pleasure of hearing the reactions of viewers is immensely gratifying.

The entire evening was electrifying for me, with waves of people coming in the door and so many gracious comments and perceptive questions. Thank you to everyone who came as well as to all those who have shown an interest in the work online.

Special thanks to:

Christina Neuman for the masterful job of curating and hanging my paintings and Joel Kershner's photographs.

Kristen Baylis, Vitale's events coordinator for the great work in organizing all the details. The catering looked delicious (though I was too excited to try any of that sushi!) the wine flowed, and the warmth and buzz were palpable.

Nicholas Vasi for the website and beautiful invitations.

Most of all, deep thanks to Mr. Richard Caturano for his extraordinary vision and patronage of the arts.

Richard Caturano

Professor of Studio Art at UMass Boston, Wilfredo Chiesa

Mr. Caturano with art dealer, Sunne Savage

Peter Hensley and Suzanne Renna

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Urban Abstract: Julia Hensley at Vitale, Caturano Gallery

Vitale, Caturano & Company

Julia Hensley
Joel Kershner
Urban Abstract

Thursday January 18, 2007
80 City Square, Charlestown
5:30pm — 7:30pm

R.S.V.P. to Kristen Baylis
617.241.1440 or

Gallery is open by appointment

View the show at

I will be in Boston for the opening. I'd love to see you there!

Please email me at with comments or questions about the work or contact the gallery at

Price range is under $3000 for all works.

Julia Hensley
Hot Day Bremerton
20 x 16"
Oil on Panel

Julia Hensley
Red Sky Lake City
20 x 16"
Oil on Panel

Julia Hensley
14th & Leary
20 x 16"
Oil on Panel